Saturday, July 12, 2008

Diaper Genie

Now, I am under the impression that the Diaper Genie is truly one of the best, most convenient inventions out there for parents. I also do not feel that it is a difficult thing to work. My husband is an intelligent man...he is 30, got good grades in classes I was too dumb to take in both high school and college, and can draw up construction documents in Auto Cad better than most. So, how is it that he cannot figure out how to empty the diaper genie?? He gets the diapers inside it well enough. When the deed needs to be done, he brings me the can, sets it in front of me, shrugs his shoulders and walks away. He has tried to do it a few times following my simple instructions, and has only succeeded in massacring the plastic packaging. I wonder sometimes of he is faking...


Caroline C. Bingham said...

he's totally faking.