Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Aly Goes to School

Miss Aly bear went to school on the bus today. I took her on Friday for registration and she stayed for about 1 1/2 hours. She was soooo excited to ride on her very own bus. I was pretty excited for her.


Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

AWWW! I didn't realise is the facebook pic she was wearing the special Canada sweatshirt I got her!! What a sweetie! We'll be over soon so I can squeeze her when she gets off the bus!

greta said...

oh, so sweet. and i'm a bit jealous that you have all your kids in school. yeah yeah, i know that their schedules are all different. i don't care. they are all in school. you lucky duck :)

Caroline C. Bingham said...


Mark and Jessica said...

What a big girl! Maybe she'll be like Christina and only go for speech for a couple of years and then be timed out of special ed. Enjoy your short break from each child, each day - even if you have another hanging around somewhere.