Bryon had a lesson in fire safety today. The fire department sent home 2 different temporary tattoos. Alison and I figured "great, one for each boy". Today I learned that my boys do NOT like temporary tattoos. Don't worry mom. I will scrub them off in the tub tonight, so don't say anything.
Bryon is currently walking around holding his arm out like it is broken or something and Timmy is grabbing anything he can get his hands on to try to scratch it off.
Needless to say, they are not impressed.
We are, them, not so much.
At least now I know that I can save my money on temp tattoos for the boys as they will not be well received.
My kids hate 'em too.
My kids love 'em and would wear multiple ones if I let 'em.
Funny how different kids can be.
hahahaha MY BOYS LOVE EM! Wyatt is always nervous about them thought because he knows Grandma is gonna SCRUB EM right off! haha Poor kid living in fear....
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