Wednesday, August 20, 2008

She's Brilliant

So my sister in law took the adorable pics of Aly with the flowers and has now worked another miracle with my boys and a darling safari theme. She is a genius. My boys don't like to sit in the camera room most of the time. Ahhhh...the joys of having a professional photographer in the family.


imbize said...

Man, I need to get that chick over to my place! I would love a cute one of me and the boys...but should probably wait until Chase's tongue heals. Right now, he's a fat mess!

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

Just let me know when! :)

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

And thanks for the props Tenille! It was so fun the boys did such a great job! I have the prints and will bring them over today!