Friday, January 9, 2009

Guest Post

In case you are interested... I will be a guest blogger on Sunday, January 11 on my best friends blog. She recently had a hysterectomy(like on Wednesday) and asked me to share my hyst experience because I was even younger than she is.


Staci J said...

Hey Tenille, Diane gave me your blog address, so I'm officially a blog stalker now... Your kids are getting huge!!! Sorry to hear about little sickies, its never fun! Hope everyone feels better soon...

Momnerd said...

I read it and was very touched. And a little jealous. Not about the almost dying in the bathtub but maybe a little bit about the no period again ever thing. You know, there is a definite advantage to having kids when you're young. So many people have dissed on me but just imagine if you had wanted to wait until you were 30 to start. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I look forward to reading the future chapters.